Do you have this "good" wrinkle?

In Chinese Medicine, wrinkles on your forehead can be a GOOD thing! Say what?? Find out why below.

But first:

1) Popsugar Beauty just posted an article on Face Reading — featuring my sweet friend and colleague Elena. The author was considering plastic surgery until she had a Face Reading session and learned about the inner beauty reflected in her nose!

“[M]y facial reading taught me that each of my features have hidden meanings that show my strengths, challenges, and what I need to be happy — and my nose plays a big part in it. I feel more beautiful and compassionate with myself than ever before. Moving forward, I'll continue embracing every part of myself with enthusiasm, openness, and love. After all, it's what makes me . . . me.”

2) I have a couple of slots left for deeply discounted Face Reading sessions in August. If you’d like insight on a major life decision or to better understand your own strengths and blind spots, book your session here!

Now, about those forehead wrinkles… Click below (2:30 minutes):

Mentioned in this video: