Reading my own face

One of my favorite parts of face reading is getting to understand the deeper meaning behind facial features, including wrinkles. In Chinese face reading, all wrinkles serve a purpose. They either tell a story —like proud battle scars— or can be a warning sign, like a check engine light in your car.

To give some insight on what our wrinkles can tell us, the image below is a mini reading of my own lines.

I’m in my mid-30s so I don’t have a ton of lines yet, but I’m on pace for some of the “good” wrinkles we want to see. When I’m not smiling, you can also see that I have strong purpose lines. And I’m paying attention if I start showing any “check engine” lines!

Want to know what your wrinkles say about you? Schedule your face reading!

Additional resources:

Watch this before you Botox...

Have you ever considered Botoxing your “crow’s feet”? Be sure to watch this video first!

In Chinese Medicine and face reading, all of your wrinkles carry deep meaning about your life experiences and your personality. Some wrinkles are actually important to have, and can be a sign of a problem if they’re missing. Find out what your “crow’s feet” really mean before you wipe them away!

Click below (2:11 minutes):

Mentioned in this video:

Do you have this "good" wrinkle?

In Chinese Medicine, wrinkles on your forehead can be a GOOD thing! Say what?? Find out why below.

But first:

1) Popsugar Beauty just posted an article on Face Reading — featuring my sweet friend and colleague Elena. The author was considering plastic surgery until she had a Face Reading session and learned about the inner beauty reflected in her nose!

“[M]y facial reading taught me that each of my features have hidden meanings that show my strengths, challenges, and what I need to be happy — and my nose plays a big part in it. I feel more beautiful and compassionate with myself than ever before. Moving forward, I'll continue embracing every part of myself with enthusiasm, openness, and love. After all, it's what makes me . . . me.”

2) I have a couple of slots left for deeply discounted Face Reading sessions in August. If you’d like insight on a major life decision or to better understand your own strengths and blind spots, book your session here!

Now, about those forehead wrinkles… Click below (2:30 minutes):

Mentioned in this video:

What are "good" wrinkles?

Can wrinkles be a good thing? They absolutely can! See below for more.

But first, two exciting announcements:

1) I’ve officially opened my books for face reading sessions! (What’s face reading, you ask? Click here for details.) I have a few slots for deeply discounted sessions in June. If you’d like insight on a major life decision or to better understand your own strengths and blind spots, book your session here.

2) I will be offering mini face readings on Saturday July 24th at this sweet event in Marin. It’s a “Mama Self Care” day with yoga, organic lunch and tea, essential oils, swag bags, and more. It will be a small event with extremely limited capacity so if you’re interested in some self care and a mini face reading, snag your spot ASAP! I would love to see you there.

Now, about those wrinkles…

Do you have this type of good wrinkle? Click below (2 minutes):

Mentioned in this video:

Did you take home your coworker’s stress? Three tips to shift that energy!

Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all affected by the invisible energy around us.

We can unintentionally take on the stress of the people in our lives, from our coworkers, spouse, kids, neighbors, even long-distance family and friends! Energetic residue also lingers in physical spaces, so we can even absorb the stressed energy in an empty room.

For tips on how to keep yourself from taking on these external stresses, click below (4 minutes):

Mentioned in this video: